Holy shit, saw this fucked up story on the news last night.
In Texas police discovered a video last month showing two young children, just two and five years old being encouraged by their 17-year-old uncle and his cousin to smoke marijuana Those two teens, Demetrius Mccoy and Vanswan Polty have been arrested and charged with felonies. The kids have been laced in protective custody, but now Mccoy's grandmother - the kids' own great-grandmother - is now fighting to get them back.
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In Texas police discovered a video last month showing two young children, just two and five years old being encouraged by their 17-year-old uncle and his cousin to smoke marijuana Those two teens, Demetrius Mccoy and Vanswan Polty have been arrested and charged with felonies. The kids have been laced in protective custody, but now Mccoy's grandmother - the kids' own great-grandmother - is now fighting to get them back.
http://www.myfoxdc.com/myfox/pages/...n=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=3.3.1<!-- Begin sidebar displayed -->
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